December 2020,
Badge: The first place winner of the 2020 M.W.Y.C
The land of goodbye
The one stabbed in the back by its own soil
Turned to ashes by the black burning oil
And here we are the sons of this land wondering why
Why you were left alone
With broken wings and a fading tone
You griefly cried out so loud
But nobody heard you in this foolish crowd
Only me a lost child looked at you from a far crying cloud
They were willingly wrapping you in a white shining shroud
On the golden sand and with filthy hands
You were killed and burried in unknown lands
Unable to act i had to watch
A terrible and cruel scene of such
With fake freedom you were reshaped
And from all your rights you were blindly raped
Who should we blame for such injustice
That made you silently yelp
Is it true that for many years we didn't notice?
Your loud painful cries begging for help
My only weapon is my plume
Inky lettres filling every corner of my room
Spelling the story of you the forgotten motherland
This might not be the end but surely the start of a dark end.