Creative writing and individual story-telling have emerged in this global era as upright ambassadors of nations and especially of people living in the peripheries; those of the third world and more specific countries that have experienced a form of colonial or imperial rule of some kind.
The story of such human beings rarely makes it to corporate news unless they are depicted as passive, unenlightened, or inadequately representing a sort of hazard to the rest of the “civil” world. In such unbalanced paradigms of power and representation, individual story-telling through creative writing emerges as a voice that can alter and change world views on specific peoples and cultures which have been both marginalized and vilified for so long.
Moroccan writers magazine has provided readers with a vast range of important topics and the latest trends. Our team of Moroccan writers has always delivered the best and only the best through their promising pens.
قدمت مجلة الكتاب المغاربة للقراء مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات الهامة وأحدث الاتجاهات. لقد قدم فريقنا من الكتاب المغاربة دائمًا الأفضل والأفضل فقط من خلال أقلامهم الواعدة.

Interested in getting involved or having your voice heard? Get in touch with the team at Moroccan writers magazine for a chance to pitch ideas, speak with an editor, and have your questions answered.
هل أنت مهتم بالمشاركة معنا؟ تواصل مع فريق العمل للحصول على فرصة لطرح افكارك والتحدث مع احد المحررين و الحصول على إجابة على أسئلتك