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Omar Oujoud

What are you doing this summer? are you just going to chill, relax, and have some fun? do you deserve it? Is it something that you usually do? You know that summer could help you with momentum but it could also ruin it. Everything you’ve worked on for the last year could be gone for the sake of this summer. Did you seriously consider taking a step back to carefully consider all your options? Probably not! I’m going to lay out for you all the possible options you have, to help you make the most out of your summer. From one perspective, you need to enjoy it. On the other hand, you need to work on whichever venture you’re doing next year. Whether it’s school, work, business … Now a friend of mine always wonders: why would I have to worry about it? does work care about me? live one day at a time! He’s probably right, but think about it. You’re not even enjoying yourself as you should at this time, that’s because you don’t have a structure in place. The real question to ask is: (my favorite by the way) how can I get the best out of my summertime? That way, not only I enjoy my time, but I would also be ready for the next year. Many ideas are already in your mind, right? Yes, you can do both. You have no idea how efficient you can get when it comes to managing your time, if done right of course. I normally don’t take vacations, but I choose to go out on weekends. I’ve got a tight schedule during the week, where I could benefit from the momentum that I’ve already built up from work, to finish up other important non-urgent tasks. You can do it as well. And no one could help you with that more than yourself, since you know where you waste your time. Keep one thing in mind. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The time spent carelessly, is a consequence of a time not well thought of. You can also find online references on how people spend their summertime, and where. That would give you something to start with. What’s the benefit, you’ll enjoy your time since you’re going to be doing some activities that you don’t usually, since you’ve looked them up. Plus, your friends would appreciate that, and you’re also going to be ready for next season, since you’ve warmed up a little bit. How better can it get?

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